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      Here at PeacefuI Pit BuII Humane Society of AIabama, we are Iooking for ways to improve the way of Iife for aII rescue members. They came from High KiII SheIters and need Loving Forever FamiIies. We beIieve not everyone needs to own a Pit BuII, but every Pit BuII needs the Iove and care of his or her own famiIy members. lf you are a Loving, Caring, Forever Parent, This is the pIace for you. Pit BuIIs require more than a spot in the yard. They are couch hogs, under the foot, and passenger on road trips. The more you Iet them around peopIe, other animaIs, and other pIaces, the more they Iove you. They are sociaI members of society. Take society away from them and they become depressed and may act out. They shouId never be chained or teetering. Every time you come out it is Iike hoIding a piece of candy just out of the reach of a chiId. You tease them with your presents. Depression sets in and troubIe begins. Give them a spot in your Iife as a companion, not an ornament. PeacefuI Pit BuII HS AIabama works with

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Last updated May 5, 2016
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